Italic script – small letters (minuscules)

The following online calligraphy course is a collection of a schematic sequence of pen strokes for italic calligraphy.

Minuscule letters “a d g q”

When calligraphing these letters make movements mainly counterclockwise. Avoid upward pen strokes. Write the lowercase letter “q” in the same way as “g” but omit the last stroke.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

Minuscule letters “o c e”

These are very similar letters based on an ellipse. The first movement in each case is an arc drawn from the top left edge towards the bottom.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

Minuscule letters “l t i u”

These four letters are mainly vertical downward strokes. The exception to this is the canopy of the letter ‘t’ which we make with one horizontal stroke to the right.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

Minuscule letters “w x y z”

The diagonal strokes alternating left and right are the lines that form the four letters. In the case of the lowercase letter ‘z’, we need to put two horizontal parallel lines.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

Minuscule letters “f j r s”

For the letters ‘f, j, s’, note the last in the sequence, a unique pen stroke slightly upwards. The small letter ‘r’ is a single stroke in the second part of which you should also guide the pen gently upwards.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

Minuscule letters “b p m n h k”

The letters “b” and “p” are written in three strokes starting from the staff of the letter. The pair of letters “m” and “n” are very similar – both are written in a single stroke (the animation for the letter “n” has been deliberately omitted. The small “n” is written in the same way as the “m”, omitting one upstroke). Also the letters “h” and “k” are a single pen stroke. As with ‘b’ and ‘p’ we start with the staff of the letter.

(Select the letter on the right to see the animation)

« Italic script – introductionCapital letters (majuscules) »