Calligraphy tutorial and how to write beautifully in italic script

In this calligraphy tutorial, we will try to present information that is helpful for those who want to start learning calligraphy. The tutorial is based on books, materials from the Internet but mainly on our own experience of getting started in calligraphy. By mastering the material from all the lessons, you will be able to calligraph with the beautiful italic script. The introductory lessons, on the other hand, will provide a solid foundation for learning other calligraphic scripts.

There are lessons in the tutorial where letter writing can be seen through an interactive animation. All the letters of the Latin alphabet are demonstrated there, both in minuscule and majuscule form. This form of presentation will allow you to learn the individual letters and pen strokes at your own pace. And it will make it possible to return here later in case some characters caused problems.

The development and creation of the materials for this calligraphy tutorial took a lot of time and effort. Therefore, the last lesson, where you can download a special worksheet to practise, is provided for a fee. A similar worksheet, but without sample letters, can be generated in our Calidraw app. Access to other content is open.

All of the content in this course was published free of charge as a textbook by the ‘Foundation of Writing with a Pen’ – the author of, did not take any royalties from this. Most of the print run went to rural primary schools in Poland.

Pleasant learning, endurance and best luck – team

Table of Contents – Course “calligraphy for beginners”, calligraphy tutorial

For comments on the tutorial, please visit the contact page. Kindly note that the tutorial lessons are still in the process of being translated.